
Weather Control As A Weapon

Weather Control As A Weapon
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Top Secret electronic control of weather! This report was made in response to the U.S. Senate Intelligence Subcommittee inquiries In 1995 ,when Bob was asked about the existence of weather modification used as a weapon to create floods, earthquakes, storms and hurricanes etc. See Fletcher on the Senate floor, when he predicts the terrible weather we have seen in the past 10 years ! This covers the scientific origin of this concept used by the USA and Russia cooperatively and separately to control the weather. See the UN Treaty on the use of such weapons and the US Air Force’s top-secret project. See live video of ELECTRONIC weather control weapons project. 10 years later The U.S. Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee created Bill # s- 517, the Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Act of 2005 still pending. Previously, this weather modification program has been Top Secret under the Air Force for 15 years prior to Bill S –517.

Aprox run time 90 min